March 2022 Bird Walk Croton Point

Photo Coopers Hawk from the walk by Kyle Bardwell


by Kyle Bardwell

We had another successful bird walk at Croton Point.

There were some real signs of spring starting with a Golden-Crowned Kinglet feeding in a spruce tree by the meeting area. This small compact songbird gave views to all of the participants. From there the group took a walk to the river where multiple Bald Eagles were seen flying including adult and immature plumages. While standing by the river we noted other signs of spring including Double-Crested Cormorants and gulls moving up the river.

With the help of two power local Croton Point birders, Larry Trachtenberg and Charlie Roberto, a Great Cormorant was spotted feeding in the river off the south point. While cormorants are not always considered beautiful, the breeding plumage of a great cormorant is a treat to see and a good bird to get at Croton Point. Just as we were about to walk away from the river, a Peregrine Falcon made a brief visit and just as quickly was out of sight.

As the group started to walk back towards the parking lot, we came upon a pair of chipping sparrows. This migratory sparrow returns to the area every early spring and were a couple of the first to arrive. Towards the end of the walk we were graced with a small raptor showing, likely active migrants north. In a short period of time we saw Sharp-Shinned Hawk,Coopers Hawk , Osprey and Red-Tailed Hawk. The Coopers Hawk was a real oddity as it was a juvenile bird performing a display/breeding flight. Its odd flight style along with its flared outer white tail feathering made it a harder ID than usual. All in all a great walk.

A total list of the species seen can be found here:

Photo Coopers Hawk from the walk by Kyle Bardwell